
New Product Sampling

Looking for market insights on a new limited edition can, Savanna applied gamification to gather customer feedback, drive loyalty and build a digital community.

Savanna, a popular beverage brand, sought a low-friction and low-noise platform to engage with their audience, gather feedback and reward participants. Hailr collaborated with Savanna, WPP Liquid and Urban Striker to develop the Savanna Lounge platform.

Campaign Objectives

Goal 1: Data Collection

As Savanna launched the limited-edition Savanna Sipport Can, the core goal of the campaign was to gather customer feedback around the new product in a fun and engaging way. In addition, Savanna also seeked to enrich the first-party data of its customer base.

Goal 2: Engage With Customers

Savanna wanted to engage with customers in a meaningful way to drive loyalty and build a digital community. The campaign centered around the Savanna Lounge Platform, offering users a unique opportunity to engage with the brand and share their thoughts.

Goal 3: Drive In-store and Online Sales

Part of the campaign focus was to ensure that traffic was driven to online and in-store sales of theSavanna Sipport Can. Savanna also wanted to monitor subsequent sales.

Goal 4: Reward Users

By giving away the limited-edition Savanna Sipport Can as a prize, users were rewarded for their time and encouraged to supply product feedback via surveys hosted on the platform. This balance between engagement and reward ensured sustained user interest and participation.

Purpose of the Campaign

The campaign focussed on creating a digital community for brand engagement and product feedback. Using the Hailr-developed progressive web application (PWA), Savanna launched its Savanna Lounge. Through a combination of game mechanics available on Savanna Lounge, Savanna’s campaign goals were leveraged.


Campaign activation focussed on leveraging Instagram  - specifically Instagram stories for driving traffic to the Savanna Lounge platform.

Results of Campaign

The Hailr-powered experience attracted significant engagement and provided Savanna with valuable first-party data. The campaign achieved its core goals by providing users with exclusive interactive content and rewarding them for sharing information.

Goal 1: Data Collection

Two surveys were used as game challenges on the app. The surveys gathered data on Savanna’s user base, sentiment around the Savanna Sipport Can and general beverage preferences. The weekly prize giveaway of the limited-edition Sipport Can encouraged users to complete the surveys, covering product feedback. Competition entry details further allowed for first-party data collection.

Goal 2: Engage With Customers

The combination of games featured on the app created value to the customer and the brand simultaneously. By combining surveys, geo check-ins, puzzles, scavenger hunts and competition entries, users voluntarily engaged with the platform for over 20 minutes. This easily surpasses a standard branded impression and instead suggests an affinity for gamified content. With close to 130k page views, it was clear that users returned multiple times to the platform, indicating strong user retention.

Goal 3: Drive In-store and Online Sales

Using the geo check-in mechanic, users were rewarded for checking in at Savanna store locations. On average, users checked in at a location one day after registering on the app. The largest grouping of users checked in on the same day as signup.

Online sales were driven via a secret code scavenger hunt on the Takealot platform. Users were directed to Takealot and asked to find a secret. This code was then redeemed on the Savanna Lounge app for game points. Overall the mechanic saw an increase in sales on Takealot.

Goal 4: Reward Users

One of the core distinguishing features of Hailr is the ability to instantly reward users for their time. The rewards section of the experience consisted of two reward mechanics - competitions and airtime vouchers. Prize giveaways included the limited education Sipport Can and branded merchandise.


The Savanna Lounge app demonstrates the power of a collaborative approach to engaging users and gathering valuable feedback. Hailr successfully developed a platform that met Savanna's campaign goals, enabling the brand to connect with its audience and gain meaningful insights into their preferences and sentiments. Along with achieving their goals, the team was able to create a digital community of people who were excited to engage with the platform, and share this on their social media platforms.

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You got questions.
We have the answers.

How long does it take to create my web-based app?

Hailr can typically create your app within 6-8 weeks. This estimation varies depending on your campaign goals, available design material and internal approval process.

Do I design the look of my Hailr app?

Our app look-and-feel contains a theme editor and design templates. You have the option to supply our team with the required design elements or brief our designers in creating these for you.

Where is my app hosted, and is there a size limit to my campaign?

All our services exist on our Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on Amazon Web Services (AWS). There is no size limit to the campaigns we host.

Do I need any app design experience to use Hailr?

No. Our Campaign Managers will assist you in designing the most effective campaign based on your campaign goals and manage the production process for you.

Will I see a preview of my app before going to market?

Yes, we share mockups, followed by a preview link, as part of the production process.

Who owns the data collected during my campaign?

All users who enter the app agree to our platform Ts and Cs. The data is hosted on our platform, but owned by you. You will have exclusive access via a secure, Cloud-based solution.

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